“Jesus did this, the first of his signs, In Cana in Galilee, and revealed his glory.”
Dear friends:
We are a people of Hope in the spirit. Hope means direction and promises for us; we are looking forward to the Lord’s blessings for the Church of Christ in our world. While all around us, signs of decadence and unfaithfulness, herald a time without God and without hope, we believe in the Lord’s presence who is the Saviour of the World.
How does the Lord touch our hearts encouraging us to faith, hope and love? It is through the Holy Spirit, reaching out to us and giving us new life. When the Lord reveals himself, it is the Spirit of God doing God’s miracles in us. During these last three Sundays we celebrated three of the Lord’s greatest revelations. The revelation of the newborn King, the revelation of the son of God in baptism and today the revelation of Jesus in his first sign( at the wedding of Cana) revealing his glory.
As the story of the wedding at Cana is told, the miraculous sign of the water turned into wine, it is the Spirit who touches our hearts with the power of God’s love, who lets us experience the beauty, goodness and power of Jesus Christ, Son of God; in the Spirit Jesus Christ himself is the Word of God spoken in Eternity and now revealed in His flesh. Before us, the mystery of love itself unfolds in the mystery of the God-With-Us. Revealing himself becomes a powerful life giving event and surprise of the Holy Spirit.
The story takes on an even more powerful significance when we ponder about the nature of the sign, the changing of water into wine. The plain water turns into beautiful and powerful wine, need turns into plenty, material turns into spiritual; in the Spirit we are turned from darkness into light, from sin into grace, from death into life, from humanity into divinity. It is the powerful loving Spirit, that flows from the Father and begets the Son who touches us and makes us new, truly “a People of Hope, in the Spirit”.