Dear Friends
The readings of today’s liturgy of the word of God speak of the call of Isaiah, Paul and Peter. All the three were extraordinary messengers of God. All three were different from the other. Isaiah seems to have been an aristocrat. He spoke with dignity and with moral authority as befitting an ambassador of God, the most high. He moved like a prince among men. Paul, a man of strong passion, a man of fiery personality, an organizer, a leader, a man of complete dedication and a man of hard work. Peter, a fisherman, very impulsive, his impetuosity occasionally turned into presumption, loyal, devoted to Christ, prompt to conceive and ardent to excite.
Three different messengers and three different ways of calling. None of the three did think of it earlier. The call comes almost unexpectedly. The response was one of total surrender, one of humility, one of unworthiness, one of responsibility. Isaiah says, “Here am I send me” (Is.6.8) Paul says of himself: “I am the least of the apostles, unfit to be called an apostle because I persecuted the church. But by the grace of God I am what I am..” (1cor.15,9-10). Peter “fell down at Jesus’ feet saying, “go away from me, Lord, for I am a sinful man.” (Lk.5,8).
God calls us to be his messengers, perhaps not in an extraordinary way. Perhaps we are not extraordinary people. Nevertheless God calls us. What is our response? It should be one of surrender, one of humility, one of unworthiness and one of responsibility. Isaiah, Paul and Peter confessed their unworthiness. This deep sense of unworthiness allows God himself to work. It enables the grace of divine call to be effective in them.
We are unworthy to be called by God. Let us confess our unworthiness. We cannot enter into relationship with God unless we confess our unworthiness. Let us be like them in our lives so that God may make use of us, his messengers in our own life situations.
May God bless you all,
Fr. Chris.