Dear Friends;
In today’s gospel, Jesus appeared to the eleven disciples for the first time after his resurrection. The first words he spoke to them were “Peace be with you.” Peace was the first gift the disciples needed most, and the risen Lord gave them “peace” as a gift. The disciples had left everything – their family, their occupation, their hometown and followed Jesus for three years. And suddenly, their master on whom they had anchored all their hopes was arrested and crucified. Their hopes and dreams were shattered and they were left high and dry. After Jesus’ crucifixion, like frightened animals, they had hurled themselves up in a closed room for fear of the Jews. They feared that they, too, like their master would meet with a cruel fate in the hands of the Jews. Having lost their livelihood, now they feared losing their lives too. There was not only darkness in their lives but also storms in their hearts. They were confused and agitated in their minds. It is in their deepest misery that Jesus came to redress them. They needed peace and Christ gave them peace. The peace which Christ gave them, was not the peace which the world offers. His peace comes with His presence. This peace is Christ centered. It is lasting, deep and eternal, because it is independent of conditions and circumstances. It is a peace which no sorrow, no danger, and no suffering can take away. Like the disciples, we are facing darkness in our lives and also storms in our hearts. Sometimes we are confused and agitated in our hearts. Therefore let us surrender our life to Jesus so that we experience his promised peace.
May the Lord who gave peace as a gift to his disciples, grant you all His peace!
Fr. Chris