Dear Friends,
In today’s gospel, we have the third appearance of Jesus to his disciples after he was raised from the dead. Simon Peter said to his companions, I am going fishing, They said to him, we will go with you. They went out and got into the boat; but that night they caught nothing (Jn.21.3).
Here we have a turning point in the life of St. Peter. It was shortly after the death of Jesus. Peter and his other disciples were still stunned by the experience of the cross. In the hours of their master’s passion, when Jesus needed most Judas betrayed Him, Peter denied Him, the rest of them fled in fear. Confused and saddened the disciples seem to think that the future was hopeless. They were uncertain what to do. So they returned to their work: Fishing.
At this point of discouragement and failure, Jesus draws near to them. Peter’s plan even that night seems to end in failure. That night they caught nothing. (Jn.21.3) Jesus tells Peter and his companions: “cast the net to the right side of the boat.” (Jn.21.6) They cast it and now they were not able to haul it in because there were so many fish. The nets are filled with fish when Peter and his companions worked at the command of Jesus. The same thing happens in the life of each one of us. While it is true that we ourselves decide what path we will take, our decisions will lead us to true joy and fulfillment only if they are in accordance with God’s will. The secret of the successful catch of fish is the obedience of Peter and his companions.
Today is the volunteer appreciation Sunday. I am proud and pleased to acknowledge and recognize all who volunteer and participate in the various church ministries here at St. Cecilia’s parish. They sacrifice their time, talent and resources for our catholic community. They deserve our appreciation and thanks. Let us pray for their generosity and goodwill. The following are the volunteer groups:
My fellow priests (those assigned here & guest priests who fill in when we are away, our parish Deacon, Parish Council, Liturgical Ministries: Scheduling, Adult & Youth Choir, Musicians, Choir Directors, Readers, Eucharistic Ministers, Hospitality, Sacristans, Altar Servers, Organizers, Ushers, Commentators, Maintenance Committee: Carpenters, Roof Repairs, Electrical & Lighting,; Grounds & Parking, Chair & Kneeler Repairs, Plumbing Support, General Upkeep, Finance Committee, Counters, Office Support, Accounting, Pastoral Care Team, Transportation, Library, Gardeners, Linen Laundry, Banners & Banner Color Changers, St. Vincent de Paul, Funeral Lunches, Funeral Choir, Funeral Servers, RCIA, UAC, Bible Study, Prayer Groups, Couples & Kids for Christ, Youth Group, Children’s Liturgy, Babysitting, Inn from the Cold, Adopt a family, Feed the Hungry, Bulletin Board, Inner City- sandwich making, Shawl Ministry, Knights of Columbus, Catholic Women’s League, Store, Special Projects, Fund Raising, Item Donators.
I also wish to thank all of you who give financially and all who together make this a wonderful Spiritual community to belong to.
Fr. Chris