
Trinity Sunday – C May 30th, 2010

Home > Pastor's Blog > Trinity Sunday – C May 30th, 2010

Dear Friends:

Today we are celebrating the Feast of the Most Holy Trinity Sunday. One God three persons, truly distinct from one another. Many of us think, the Holy Trinity is a myth but a mystery. A myth is unreal but conceivable. A mystery is real but incomprehensible. Trinity is about a God whose centre is everywhere. It is very difficult to understand and explain.

Whenever we recite the creed, we say: I believe in God the Father, the Almighty, maker of heaven and earth; I believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, who for us men and for our salvation came down from heaven and became man; I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord and giver of life. Hence the Holy Trinity is not a myth but a mystery and real.

St. Augustine the great bishop of Hippo, wrote a number of Spiritual books but confessed very candidly his inability and unworthiness to understand the most Holy Trinity. In fact he was the one who wanted to understand the Holy Trinity the most and explain the same to others. He realized that it was impossible to understand this mystery. Hence we need to accept the mystery in faith.

The doctrine of the Holy Trinity is the most immense of all the doctrines of Christianity. It is the foundation of the Christian religion. If we take out the persons of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit from the New Testament, there is no God left there. The Triune nature of God is the one doctrine which upholds the whole foundation of the Christian religion.

One of the clearest expressions of the belief in the Holy Trinity is the sign of the cross. Every Christian and every Spiritual activity begins and ends with the sign of the cross. The sign of the cross is not only an action, but is also a statement of faith. In this gesture one not only makes the sign of our redemption – the cross, but also expresses deep faith in the Holy Trinity. It was with this sign, the early Christians strengthened themselves even during the difficult times. Tertullian writing in the second century attests that Christians made the sign of the cross upon rising, as they were dressing, upon entering or leaving their houses, on sitting down at the table, on lighting their lamps, in fact, at the beginning of every action. Hence the practice of the Holy Trinity was part of our Christian life and we need to recognize it, use the name of the Holy Trinity reverently while making the sign of the cross.

Fr. Chris