Dear Parishioners:
On the weekends of September 18th & 19th and the 25th & 26th our Parish will once again provide the opportunity for parishioners to become part of the inner workings of the parish faith community by offering their talents and abilities to serve in a variety of ministries that help build our community of faith. We wish that our community becomes more vibrant and active through this apostolic commitment envisioned by the ideals of St. Vincent Pallotti and also emphasized by our Bishop Henry on the day of my installation as the pastor of this parish. We celebrate that apostolic vocation on these weekends because they give dynamic witness to the Christian Community in building God’s kingdom.
Our Parish is very active, with many ministries. But there are only a few women and men, Young Adults and children offering their time and talents in service to God, to one another and to the larger community. In fact it’s the same few senior people in most ministries…….trying to a life support to St. Cecilia’s Parish.
With close to 38 ministries offered within the parish, there is room for everyone to play a part. There is a place for each parishioner to come and help. There are urgent, very urgent help needed for ministries like Readers, extraordinary ministers of communion, Ushers, hospitality at all Sunday masses .We need people.. Volunteers…to keep our parish community vibrant & alive.
It could be a family decision, to sign up together. Each of us is a special treasure from God made up of a unique combination of gifts. Our individual gifts are a part of the abundant bounty of gifts in our faith community and we can use them to serve and minister to one another as a sign of our love.
The following words of the “Servant Song” may help us to reflect further:
What do you want of me, Lord?
Where do you want me to serve you?
I hear you call my name, Lord,
And I am moved within me.
Your Spirit stirs my deepest self
Sing your songs in me Jesus,
Jesus, you are the Lord.
Jesus, Jesus, you are the way
Let us share our gifts of Time and Talent and make our Stewardship Weekend the best ever.
Thank you and God bless,
Parish Staff
Tables and sign-up sheets for each ministry will be set up in the foyer after all masses on Sept 18&19 and 25&26. A representative from each ministry will be available to answer any questions.