Dear Friends:
Today we celebrate World Mission Sunday. The Church reminds us that Christ the Son of God gave His life for the salvation of all people, that the Catholic Church is a universal, all-embracing Church. Jesus invites us to follow His example and to live our own lives in self giving service of others so that all will be saved. This is the Church’s Mission and we are part of it..
Catholics an all continents recall Christ’s command to “go and make disciples of all nations”. While all who are baptized are called to be witnesses in everyday life, today, the focus is on Missionaries who work and preach the Gospel on all five continents. On this day especially we are invited to support their efforts by our prayers and financial offerings. Let us live the gospel mandate ‘to go forth and make disciples of all nations.’
Today Catholics have an opportunity to make their offerings to the World Mission Sunday collection. It is taken up in almost every country of the world, including some of the poorest in Africa and Asia, despite their own poverty.