
32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time – C November 7th, 2010

Home > Pastor's Blog > 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time – C November 7th, 2010

Dear Friends:

This weekend Sunday November 6 & 7th Catholics in Alberta will once again celebrate Catholic Education Sunday. Some of you may be familiar with the old song, “This Little Light of Mine.” Many of you I’m sure have sung it. Children in Sunday school or at summer camp or even in the school choir. The words in this song say, “This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine” and they provide a good metaphor for our lives as Catholics.

Jesus came in to the world as light and came to give light to everyone. He also said that “Whoever follows me….will have the light of life” (John 8:12). As disciples of Christ, we carry this treasure within us. Jesus says to each one of us: You are the light of the world…let your light shine before others” (Matthew 5:14,16).

As light, we are able to be a reflection of Christ in the world. We are to make lights shine brightly by actively living our faith. In our call to Catholic Education, this means that we actively uphold our commitment to help parents pass on the faith to their children. It means that we share equally in the task to uphold the dignity and value of each child and to ensure that students experience the full benefit if our educational efforts. It means that we strive to build up the whole Body of Christ entrusted to our care and that we remain committed to every child in our care. Like each of us, each child is a beautiful, valuable and precious treasure that reflects God’s light.

Thank you for your support and God bless you for your generosity in helping to sustain Catholic Education in our province!