
Third Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A January 23rd, 2011

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Dear Friends:Pallotti Head

On January 22nd The Union of Catholic Apostolate celebrates the feast of their founder St. Vincent Pallotti. As a parish community served by the Pallottine Fathers we commemorate St. Vincent at our Sunday masses and give thanks to God for this Saint.

St. Vincent Pallotti was born in Rome on April 14, 1825, he founded the Union of Catholic Apostolate (UAC) a communion of those faithful who, inspired by the charism of St. Vincent promote the co-responsibility of all the baptized to revive faith and re-enkindle charity in the Church and in the world. The Patroness of the Union is the Blessed Virgin Mary, Queen of Apostles

Vincent Pallotti is a man who reminds us, as followers of Christ we are sisters and brothers of the same family, the Church. As Jesus teaches us we must be united and pray and work together with Him and for one another for the coming of God’s kingdom. As Pallottines we try to foster this understanding. As Pallottines we are committed to collaboration with all baptized in order to build up the body of Christ. Vincent Pallotti was a man who would always generously resound whenever he became aware of an emergency or need.

We wish all of the Pallottine Fathers and UAC members a Happy Feast Day, and pray for God’s blessings upon you through the intercession of St. Vincent Pallotti and Mary, Queen of Apostles.