This is the day the Lord has made
Let us be glad and rejoice!
Dear Friends
Today we celebrate Jesus’ Resurrection. His death was only a passage to a new and glorious life.
That we may have no doubt about the Resurrection of Christ, St Matthew, in his Gospel narrative which is a true historical document, gives in detail the evidence that establishes the truthfulness of it. What the Apostles preached everywhere and what all Christians, from the very beginning of Christianity, were convinced of was the Resurrection of Christ. “If Christ has not risen, then our faith is a delusion…” says St Paul (1 Cor 15:12-20).
In the First Reading, St Paul reminds us that through baptism we die to sin and rise to a holy life without sin. The early Christians had understood the significance of the Sacrament of Baptism. Through baptism, all the sins of the person baptized—original sin and all actual sins committed up to the time of the baptism—are cancelled. The baptized put an end to their former life of sin and start living a new life according to God’s plan, as it is the power of Christ that gives efficacy to baptism. We can say that in baptism, we die with Christ (to sin) and rise with him (to a godly life).
As we renewed our baptismal promises during the Easter Vigil is Mass, we did so with a clear mind and genuine heart, for in Christ we can overcome evil in ourselves and in the world.
Faith in the resurrection of Jesus is the basis of our hope of eternal life, a hope which enables us to bear patiently the trials of life. Easter assures us that we shall find the strength we need to follow Christ through life and through death into resurrection. As St Paul puts it, “God gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ” (1 Cor 15:57).
May the Risen Christ Bless You with His Peace!