
Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ June 26th, 2011 Year A

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Dear Friends

From the very beginning, the Church believed these truths and taught them and upheld them against all errors and heresies. St Thomas Aquinas, expressed beautifully the Eucharistic faith of the Church in the hymn: “Adoro te devote”.

Along with him let us also say: ‘We cannot know you through seeing or touching or tasting, but we believe in you through hearing what you have said. We believe whatever you have said, for nothing is more true than your word. On the cross only your divinity was hidden, but here in the Eucharist also, your humanity is hidden. But we believe and proclaim both, i.e., that both your divinity and humanity are present in the Eucharist, and we make the same request of you as the penitent thief.’

If the sacrifice of the Mass is the same as the sacrifice of Calvary, but offered in an un-bloody manner, how devoutly should I celebrate it or participate in it? Today let us resolve to worship the Lord in the holy Eucharist and never to offend and dishonor him.

Jesus shared himself with others in many different ways, and under many different forms, before offering himself to them as food and drink at the Last Supper. Jesus nourishes us in so many ways, and of course especially in the Eucharist. Those, who have a deep sense of the presence of God, in the whole of creation, will not have great difficulty in believing, that He is present in a very special way in the Eucharist.

God alone can satisfy all the longing and hunger of our hearts, because He alone can give us the bread of eternal life. Without it we would not have the strength to follow Christ. By receiving the Eucharist, we are nourished, and enabled to nourish others as Jesus does.

“O Sacrament Most Holy!
O Sacrament Divine!
All praise and all thanksgiving!
Be every moment Thine!