Dear Friends:
In today’s gospel Jesus himself declare that “the stone that the builders rejected has become the corner stone, and it is amazing in our eyes.” He invites us as a Christian community always and totally to be founded on him. Because we are founded on Him, in Him we reach out to the poor, with Him we respect human life, in His desire for unity we always seek new ways of ecumenical togetherness in Christ, with His invitation we surround those who search for Christ and His community with love and living faith, in His heart we renew our hearts for evangelization and the apostolic outreach tomorrow, in His name we bring faith to our children, and our parish community. Yes, Christ is the cornerstone.
The month of October is dedicated to Our Lady of the Holy Rosary. All Christians are encouraged to pray the Rosary daily in public as a group and in private as individuals because the Blessed Virgin Mary is our strongest advocate before Jesus, who always pleads for our cause. Moreover whenever our Blessed Mother appeared, appeared in different parts of the world, she asked us to pray the Holy Rosary for the conversion of souls and for the destruction of sin.
The church has always given the importance to pray the Holy Rosary. It is the easiest as well as the most suited prayer in every stage and occasion of life. The Family that prays together the Rosary daily, stays together and there is so much joy and peace. It is the prayer of the Family and for the family. Our Blessed Mother will bless you and intercede for you. Let us receive the Maternal blessing of our Blessed Mother and enjoy the joy and peace in our lives.