
32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time November 6, 2011 Year A

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A Special Message to Students on


Education Sunday from the Catholic

Bishops of Alberta and NW Territories

When Jesus calls us to open wide the doors, he is asking us to open the doors of our hearts to him. Sometimes it is uncomfortable or scary to open the door to the unknown. But Jesus is not a stranger or an unknown in our lives. We were baptized into his family and are growing up in his Church. When we open the doors of our heart to Jesus, we are inviting him into our lives and we are making a commitment to journey with him. Let us not be afraid of this.

Your Catholic school and your teachers are all part of the world that has opened its heart to Christ. Use these people as your role models in faith. See the possibilities that life holds in store for you when you chose to live in Christ’s light.

If we embrace his light with our whole being, we will then also become role models, evangelizers, for those who have yet to open wide their hearts. So go forth, and as Pope John Paul II told the Church: “Do not be afraid. Open, I say open wide. the doors for Christ.”

Catholic Bishops of Alberta & NW Territories