Dear Friends,
“The night is long and I am full of tossing until dawn,” so it says in our First Reading today from the Book of Job. Who of us cannot relate to this experience? Sleeping pills and herbal remedies for sleeplessness have become a multi-billion dollar industry! Maybe more than ever, our lives have become increasingly hectic and jam-packed full of activity. Medical experts tell us that many of our killer diseases such as heart attacks, cancer, strokes, etc., are stress related illnesses. And although many of our activities are very worthwhile, all of us, like Jesus, who “went out to a deserted place and there he prayed,” must also make room in our lives for prayer and contemplation. Without prayer-time, we lose our sense of direction, our meaning and purpose in life. We begin to feel as though we are on a conveyer belt just being pushed forward without having any control of where it is that we are going.
When we take the time to re-connect with our God, it is like someone who comes home. Home is where we all start out, it is the point of reference from which all other places are measured. Home is the place where we take refuge and recharge, where we feel secure, safe and at peace. Home is where we take our “broken hearts and bind up our wounds”. Home is where we come for healing when life has left us wounded and bleeding.
This Sunday, let us be resolved to come home to the Lord more often, to foster a fervent life of prayer and reflection, to take “time out” or spend some “quality time” with our healing and loving God. Maybe then, we will sleep more soundly and we will enjoy a greater sense of peace within our hearts!
“Sing praise to the Lord
who heals the broken hearted.”
–Psalm 147