Dear Friends,
The season of Lent is our time to prepare ourselves to celebrate the death and resurrection of Jesus. It has become a time set aside to take a deep look inside ourselves and ask ourselves some serious questions about who we are, as human beings, created in the image of God, and how well our lives reflect this divine image.
Lent, like Advent, is a season of values in itself, but nevertheless directed towards a great celebration, actually the most important celebration of our faith, the Easter Triduum, when we initiate new members into our faith and renew our own baptismal promises, stating publicly that we belong to Christ. The season of Lent will help us to prepare for that celebration by inviting us to become better Christians, to renew and revive our commitment and dedication to Christ and His Church, and to serve our brothers and sisters more lovingly.
In the Gospel reading on Ash Wednesday ( Matthew 6.1-6, 16-18), we heard Jesus speaking of what we know to be three Lenten practices: almsgiving, prayer and fasting. All three practices are ways of improving our relationships with others, with God and with ourselves.
Almsgiving is a way of sharing with others are gifts and resources, be they material or spiritual, and thus acknowledging the value of the other person. Prayer, which is dialogue with God, deepens our experience of God’s presence, strengthens our knowledge of God, and makes us more aware of our dependence on the one who created us and sustains us in life. Fasting is one way to become more aware of who we are and what we place at the centre of our lives.
Lent is a time to open ourselves to conversion, to a change of heart that brings greater life to us as individuals and to our community. We invite you to make good use of this season of grace by showing your love for God and your neighbour. Pray for one another and support one another spiritually. Reach out to the ill, handicapped and shut-ins to make them aware of the important role they play in our Christian community. We encourage you to attend our weekly Masses & Stations of the Cross Friday evenings. At 7:00 pm