
September 16th , 2012 – Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time -Year B

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Year of Faith

Pope Benedict XVI has declared a year of faith, which will begin in October 2012, 50th Anniversary of the opening of the Second Vatican Council. This year of faith will run until November 24, 2013 which is the feast of Christ the King.

What is the Year of Faith?

In this special year, believers around the world are called to renew their commitment to the faith . What could be more important than our faith? It is the foundation of who we are as Catholic Christians and a gracious gift from God. Yet, in our contemporary world, we are increasingly vulnerable to secular movements that pull us away from our relationship with God. This year of faith is a time for us to renew our personal relationship with Jesus and recommit ourselves to the Church. We are called to give ourselves more fully to God by professing our faith in Jesus Christ, his only Son, and this faith is expressed when we profess the Creed.

The Year of Faith is a time to:

  • Reflect on the gift of & understanding of the teachings of the Church
  • Read, reflect, and pray with the Scriptures
  • Nourish and strengthen our faith through the holy Eucharist
  • Open “the door of faith” for others.

Holy God

We thank you for the gracious

gift of faith.

With the apostles before us,

We ask that you Open our hearts

To the power of your Word

And increase our faith

That we may be bold followers

And joyful witnesses

To the message and mission

Your Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ.
