We have so many ways of judging people – by appearance, wealth, gender, education , religion, and so on…
Today’s readings caution us about judgmental attitudes and actions that can block another’s path to God. Joshua wanted Moses to stop Eldad and Medad from prophesying. The disciples also wanted to stop someone casting out demons.
We are invited to take time to stop, listen and consider another point pf view, to see a reality bigger than our own. God’s Spirit is given to all – to each of us a different gift is given and placed at the service of all. We are invited to rejoice in our gift and in the gifts of others. We are invited to nurture the gift of faith in a daughter or son, friend even the stranger we pass on the street who longs to see in us the face of Christ.
Today we are invited to one small action in responding to the Needs of the Canadian Church in Canada. Our gifts of money and prayer provide assistance to people and places with needs other than our own. The Church in Canada needs our help, courage and wisdom of all its people. In this way we will find God in ourselves and others.