
October 14th, 2012 – Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time -Year B

Home > Pastor's Blog > October 14th, 2012 – Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time -Year B

Next Weekend Oct. 20th & 21st is Stewardship Sunday dedicated to getting parishioners to volunteer and share their time and talent with others.

1 Peter 4:10-11 says, “As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace, in order that in everything God may be glorified through Jesus Christ.”

Each one of us is blessed with a variety of gifts and talents by God. But what we must remember is that we are just stewards. These gifts are not for our own benefit, but for the benefit of others. His gifts are not ours to keep, but they have to right to be shared. The best way to do this is through service to our Church where we, as one community, can grow stronger by sharing our time and talent.

SERVICE, stands for :
Resource and
Vow to work
In your

Here is something for you to reflect upon –

  • Remember that you have been given a gift by God.
  • Ask God how you can use your gift to serve others or your Church.
  • Every day take the time to thank someone close to you for using their God-given gifts to serve others and glorify God.

Remember as you serve others, you are ultimately serving Our Lord. St. Cecilia’s is “OUR PARISH.” Let us be proud to belong to it. Let us all work together in transforming it into a faith-filled, joy-filled, happening community, a community truly alive and active.

Tables will be set up in the foyer for all ministries and programs in our parish. Please visit the tables and sign yourself and or/your family to volunteer for one or more of these ministries. In your bulletin today you will find an insert with a list of ministries and programs. Take a look and see where you can offer your Time and Talent!
NOTE: A police check is required for anyone working with children or the elderly, please check with the parish