Dear Friends:
In today’s gospel Jesus is addressed as Teacher by one of the scribes. He is indeed the most perfect of all teachers. He is the model and example for every teacher. He shows us by his word and His life what it means teach people the ways of God. He summarized all religious teaching in the one Great Commandment, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength. You shall love your neighbour as yourself.”
Today as we celebrate Catholic Education Sunday we are reminded of our responsibility to pass on the Christian faith to the next generations. We are fortunate to have Catholic Schools to help parents and parishes in this their duty. However, we will not succeed unless we take to heart what our Alberta Bishops say in their message printed in the Carillon this week on page 12.
The next generation watches us. They want to see for themselves exactly what we are setting as our most important priority. If we say that it is Christ, but fail to demonstrate a living commitment to him in prayer, ministry, catechesis and worship, then they will not believe us. We cannot give to others what we ourselves do not possess. This is the work of the whole Church, of her bishops, and priests, her parents and teachers and of all the Christian faithful.
On this Sunday we pray to Christ the Teacher that the grace to meet this challenge will be given to all of us.