
March 24th, 2013 – Passion (Palm) Sunday – Year C

Home > Pastor's Blog > March 24th, 2013 – Passion (Palm) Sunday – Year C

“HOLY WEEK” – a holy week, a week of grace when we ponder the mysteries of our salvation in Christ, his life giving Passion and Death bringing about his glorious Resurrection, the celebration of the great Easter Tritium, highpoint and centre of our Christian faith.

The week starts with Passion (Palm) Sunday recalling Jesus’ solemn entrance into the holy city of Jerusalem. Jesus, fully aware of the fate he would suffer there, proves to be the obedient servant of the Lord. Jesus always accepting the Fathers will and showing by this his great love of the Father. Jesus, patiently enduring in his suffering and persevering to the end for our sake like a gentle lamb being led to the slaughter. Jesus, demonstrating his immense love for us, a love without end.

Holy week celebrated in the right spirit a week that re-enkindles our own love and dedication to the Lord, a week that teaches us to be patient and persevere in our own struggles, a week that fills our hearts with the hope that suffering and dying with Christ will lead us to the joy and glory of the resurrection.

May our holy week be holy in companionship with the suffering of Christ that we may be able to celebrate Christ’s Resurrection on Easter in joy and renewed commitment

Hosanna to the Son of David
Blessed is He who comes
In the name of the Lord!
Hosanna in the highest!