
April 14th, 2013 – Third Sunday of Easter – Year C

Home > Pastor's Blog > April 14th, 2013 – Third Sunday of Easter – Year C

If you have ever gone fishing without any luck the last thing you want to hear is some non-fisherman telling you what you should have done. In John’s Gospel, the recently crucified Jesus appeared before the frustrated fishermen. These disciples were key to the mission of Jesus. But feeling alone and confused after his death, they had returned to the path of their previous lives. Unfortunately, going back and seeking elusive comfort in the past didn’t work, they caught no fish.

In the first reading, the Apostles were brought before the religious authorities, where they suffered dishonour due to their testimony in living “the Way”. The second reading refers to “the lamb that was slaughtered,” which was definitely not a desirable end. In the Gospel, however, after recognizing their Lord and following his directions, the disciples fulfill their objective and are shown the real path they are called to embark upon.

Jesus repeatedly asks all of us, not just Peter, “Do you love me?” How might we exhibit this? If we attempt to answer “yes” then we must accept to serve others. “Feed my lambs and sheep” means we must care for each other, as a sign of Jesus’ love in us.

It’s not always easy to follow Jesus. But the very act of trying to do so is what gives meaning and direction in our lives.