
May 12, 2013 – Ascension of the Lord – Year C

Home > Pastor's Blog > May 12, 2013 – Ascension of the Lord – Year C

A conversation with a student!

At the end of school what do you want to do? – I want to do my senior Certificate. And after that?- I want to go to college. And then?- I want to get a job. Then, after that?- I want to get married and have a family– and after that?- I will retire -And after you retire?-I want to take a rest. What do you want to do next? -I don’t know– Will you die?-Oh yes, I will die too

We are so busy doing things, achieving, making. progress that we can forget what life is all about, preparing to meet God in heaven. The Ascension of Jesus reminds us that during our lives we are “only passing through” on this earth, as we say. We are pilgrims on a journey. Just as Jesus’ earthly life was temporary, and he ascended to sit at the right hand of the Father, so also our lives here are temporary, will come to an end, and we will meet God in the next life. The Ascension of Jesus reminds us in all of our busyness not to forget what life is all about. Remember that conversation with a student. What will you do next? The student had an answer for everything but never thought about dying and what would happen then. Part of the prayer in the letter to the Ephesians, the second reading today is so beautiful.

May God our Father…enlighten the eyes of your mind so that you can see what hope his call holds for you, what rich glories he has promised the saints will inherit and how infinitely great is the power that he has exercised for us believers.(Eph 1:17-19)