Today we celebrate the birth of our Church born in the Spirit promised by Jesus himself. Shortly after being filled with the Holy Spirit, the apostles were joined by Jews and Gentiles from different regions and nations, women and men of diverse customs and languages who were all filled with the same Spirit. Together they celebrated God’s deeds and power at work in their lives.
Today as Church we welcome people from all parts of the world. Sometimes there are new groups who have not been part of our Church for long and who come with different customs and traditions. As Christians, our faith calls us to move beyond simple accommodations to become people who welcome, celebrate and embrace each other’s differences as we share our experience of God’s deeds and power at work in our lives. As we celebrate Pentecost, let us remember that the diversity around us is a source of blessings through which we can better experience God’s love in countless new ways. May we be signs of openness and generosity of spirit.