With God anything is possible. There is the danger to think that God will never forgive you or that you cannot change yourself or the world. In Advent we are reminded that we do not need to do everything ourselves and we should not look to inferior substitutes for God. Jesus has ransomed us and we respond to the psalmist by crying out: “Lord, come and save us.” It may be that the healing or the change for which we long does not come quickly enough for us. Advent is also about waiting. In Advent we have to be patient and trust that the coming of the Lord is near. With God the blind can see, the lame walk, the sick are cured, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, and the poor receive good news! The Lord continues to do these things for us but we have to put aside all substitutes for God in order to see and receive the healing promised through Jesus Christ. Rejoice the Lord is Near Action Look for the goodness of God in your life, in the people around you, and in the world.
Rejoice the Lord is Near
Look for the goodness of God in your life, in the people around you, and in the world