
January 19, 2014 – Second Sunday in Ordinary Time – Year A (The External Solemnity of St. Vincent Pallotti)

Home > Pastor's Blog > January 19, 2014 – Second Sunday in Ordinary Time – Year A (The External Solemnity of St. Vincent Pallotti)

Saint Vincent Pallotti (April 21, 1795 – January 22, 1850) was an Italian ecclesiastic, born in Rome, and a saint. He was the founder of the Society of the Catholic Apostolate later known as the Pallottines). He is buried in the church of San Salvatore in Onda. He was descended from the noble families of the Pallotti of Norcia and the De Rossi of Rome. His early studies were made at the Pious Schools of San Pantaleone, and from there he passed to the Roman College. At the age of sixteen, he resolved to become a priest, and was ordained on May 16, 1820

Today , The Pallottines (SAC) and Union of Catholic Apostolate (UAC) celebrate the External feast of their founder . As a Pallottine parish we all take part in the celebration. In Honouring St. Vincent Pallotti we give thanks to God for giving us this great saint as an example and guide.

Pope John XXIII who canonized St. Vincent on January 20th, 1963 says about him: “This loving saint is one of the outstanding figures in the field of apostolic activity of the 19th century. He designed new ways to lead all to recognize and love God in their lives. His undertakings, especially the Union of Catholic Apostolate, are extraordinary rich in religious experience and instruction. All who are devoted to the Apostolate, have the obligation to pass on to others the love of God, to foster a fraternal spirit and to work towards the fulfillment of their ideas with true and constant enthusiasm.”

In short, this is what Pallottines are committed to and we hope that it shows an effect in our parish life. Renewal among Christians and the renewal of our society for which we all pray and work as Christ’s disciples will only happen if we make St. Vincent Prayer our own and truly mean it.

“My God, in your infinite love you created me According to your image and likeness. You gave me a free will. Help me to use your gifts and improve myself So as to become totally your living image: Father, Son and Holy Spirit; An image of your infinite qualities and perfections.”