
April 20th, 2014 – Easter Sunday – Year A

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Dear Friends

After having had to refrain from proclaiming Alleluia during Lent, we can once again proclaim it joyfully as a community of faith, giving praise and thanks to God for everything he has done in the paschal mystery of our Lord, Jesus Christ. Easter faith is the cornerstone of our faith-journey.

There are always signs of the cross, pain and suffering together with the resurrection. The good news is, that Jesus went through all these, giving us hope and consolation.

What does Easter faith mean for us this year? Perhaps Easter faith enables us to see and experience the joys and hopes, the grief and anguish of our daily lives, with the eyes of Jesus Christ. These experiences are real experiences of grace and salvation, confirming God’s unique presence in Jesus, a presence available to all who believe.

Easter faith is our hope in our own resurrection. We are invited to take the chance in our own lives of encountering the mystery of the Jesus-event, by means of the Scriptures and the sacraments and the celebration of his death, and by living it with our sisters and brothers.

I pray that all the people of God in St. Cecilia’s, and those who visit our parish will experience grace, peace and joy, that the Easter faith brings.

Christ is risen, alleluia.

He is truly risen, alleluia.