
January 4th, 2015 – Epiphany of the Lord – Year B

Home > Pastor's Blog > January 4th, 2015 – Epiphany of the Lord – Year B

Although the theme of light dominates the Christmas season, Epiphany is a kind of climax; the solemn blessing alone speaks of God’s “wonderful light” and of Christ “as a light shining in darkness” and “Light from Light,” as we pray that Christ make of the baptized “a light for your brothers and sisters.” As if that wasn’t enough, the theme of light appears in the First and Gospel readings, and in almost every prayer and antiphon.

Of course, there is more to Epiphany than light, for the light reveals the Word-made-flesh today to the Magi, which is but one of three “manifestations” we celebrate today; the other two are the Lord’s baptism and the wedding feast of Cana. Each liturgical moment unfolds further the full identity of the Christ child.

The feast of the Epiphany challenges us to be seekers as the Wise Men were seekers, to search for God and recognize his presence wherever and whenever God chooses to reveal himself. When we discover God is present to us, it becomes wonderful! But we need to keep looking, always and everywhere, for other ways, too. Today we journey forth into the New Year with the Magi as our guides, always seeking and searching for God’s presence in the unexpected.