
March 15, 2015 – Fourth Sunday of Lent – Year B

Home > Pastor's Blog > March 15, 2015 – Fourth Sunday of Lent – Year B

Laetare, rejoice, be glad! Even though Lent can be chal-lenging for us, even though there is so much work yet to do, rejoice. The rejoicing of this day is based on the glimpse that we can make of Easter. Lent is more than half done; we are closer to the end that to the beginning. If we re-joiced at the start of Lent because Easter was coming, this Sunday marks a renewed commitment to joy, to preparing to celebrate the Paschal Mystery with joy.
The Second Scrutiny, which takes place at the 11:00 a.m. Mass, impacts this celebration, too. We are bound to pray for those who are in their last battle with the forces of evil on the other side of the font. Many questions surface at this time, and those wearied from the long journey of the cate-chumenate, catechumens no less than candidates, need to feel the power of prayer now, along with the sponsors and RCIA team.
That Easter is presented as almost dawning upon us this day reminds us of the continual presence of the offer of salva-tion. In Lent, as at any time of our lives, God would have us come home. Let this rich message be ours this day.