
November 25th, 2012 – Solemnity of Christ The King – Year B

Home > Pastor's Blog > November 25th, 2012 – Solemnity of Christ The King – Year B

Come, sit in this chair—Lay your burden down.

Jesus tells us that his kingdom is not of this world. Living as a Christian in the world is difficult and we can become discouraged when we see ourselves failing to live the Gospel message. Jesus invites us to lay the burden down, let go of the guilt, and turn to Him for strength and forgiveness. Jesus came to testify to the truth and sent the Holy Spirit to help us in our weakness. Lay your burden down and receive the strength of the Holy Spirit in forgiveness.

In addition to the regular parish schedule, the sacrament of Reconciliation will be available at parishes throughout the Diocese of Calgary all the Wednesdays of Advent and Lent from 7:30 – 8:30pm. Come, sit in this chair—Lay your burden down.

Action: As we approach the Advent season, the commercial world tempts us with –isms that weigh us down: consumerism, materialism, hedonism, and individualism are a few examples. This week, devise an action plan to avoid getting caught up in the burden of these–isms and instead to stay grounded in the truth of service to Jesus, the King.